Artistic Responses

Artefacts of a Return

Dawn Felicia Knox

Project creator and lead artist, Dawn Felicia Knox, documented the project as it unfolded. She was drawn to the acts of making, investigating and interpreting as was done by both artists and scientist. The parallels in rigour and, at times approach, were striking. She began to amass implements used in both endeavours. This cabinet, displayed at the Gallery of Wonder: GNM, is a distillation of the project utilising what she documented and collected along the way.

It also features remnants of some of the artwork – an x-ray photograph of the mummy’s feet feet soaked in oil then overlaid with the forensic notes, a photograph the platypus skin made into a book with the bones found inside and photographs of paleobotany specimens pared with the residue of the scientific illustration drawn over a hundred years ago.

The images featured in the lit and magnified viewers are viewable in her document Conjuring

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